Grapevine – Vitis Vinifera Origin: Mediterranean area and Asia Minor Trunk measurements: 30 / 40 40 / 50 50 / 60 15/20 20/25 25/30 60/70 +70 Description: It is a climbing shrub, with cylindrical branches, often climbing, with tendrils (“branchlets”). Its leaves are variable in shape, but always lobed...
Pomegranate – Punica Granatum Origin: Middle East, in a wide area extending from the Balkans to the Himalayas. Trunk measurements: 30 / 40 40 / 50 50 / 60 15/20 20/25 25/30 60/70 +70 Description: The pomegranate tree is a shrub or small tree. It belongs to the Punicaceae...
Almond – Prunus Dulcis Origin: Central and Southwest Asia Trunk measurements: 10/12 12/14 30/35 35/40 Description: It is a deciduous tree with a rounded crown, very irregular. Its trunk is often tortuous, with rough, dark gray bark. Its leaves are simple, lanceolate and are light green on the front...
Olive tree – Olea Europea Origin: Mediterranean region Trunk measurements: 30 / 40 40 / 50 50 / 60 20/25 25/30 14/16 16/20 10/12 60/70 06/08 08/10 Description: It is an evergreen, long-lived tree that can reach up to 15 m in height, with a broad crown and thick,...
Fig tree – Ficus Carica Origin: Asia Minor and Mediterranean region Trunk measurements: 40 / 50 20/25 14/16 10/12 12/14 16/18 25/30 30/35 35/40 Description: It has always been considered as a tree that does not require any care once planted and rooted, limiting man to collect the fruits...
Loquat, Japanese loquat – Eriobotrya Japonica Origin: China and Japan Trunk measurements: 14/16 16/20 Description: It is an evergreen tree, with a rounded crown. Its bark is smooth and brownish gray. Its leaves are simple, lanceolate and thick, are shiny dark green on the front and whitish green on...
Orange tree – Citrus Sinensis Origin: Asia Trunk measurements: 30 / 40 40 / 50 C-30 EXEMPLARS 06/10 10/15 15/20 20/25 25/30 Description: The orange tree is an evergreen, medium-sized tree, three to five meters tall, with a rounded or pyramidal crown and regular branches. A single trunk, straight...
Mandarin – Citrus Reticulata Origin: Southeast Asia Trunk measurements: 30 / 40 40 / 50 C-30 EXEMPLARS 06/10 10/15 15/20 20/25 25/30 Description: It is a tree belonging to the botanical genus Citrus, in the Rutaceae family (with more than 1600 species) with similar characteristics to the orange tree,...
Lemon tree – Citrus Limon Origin: India Trunk measurements: 40 / 50 C-30 EXEMPLARS 06/10 10/15 15/20 20/25 25/30 30/40 Description: More open growth habit (less rounded than the orange tree). The end of the bud is known as the “sumidad” and is purple in color. It has very...
Carob tree – Ceratonia Siliqua Origin: Mediterranean Basin Trunk measurements: 10/20 20 / 30 30 / 40 40 / 50 50 / 60 60/80 80/100 100/120 EXEMPLARS Description: It is an evergreen tree, with a rounded crown, very irregular, between 5 and 10 m high and with a crown...