Estrelitzia, Estrelicia, Bird of Paradise Flower – Strelitzia Reginae
Trunk measurements: CONSULT
Description: Herbaceous, bush-shaped plant with leaves with long petioles, with an average height of 1.5 m and a diameter of 1.8 m. The leaves are alternate, pinnatinervate and distichous. The flowers are hermaphrodite, asymmetrical, bird-pollinated, in cinciniform clusters protected primarily by large bracts several lateral and often long pedunculate. The perigonium is formed by 6 tepals distributed in two groups, the three external ones equal and free, the three internal ones unequal and generally welded, one of greater dimensions and folded in the form of an arrow surrounding the style. The gynoecium has 3 carpels welded together, the ovary is infertile, trilocular, with numerous seminal primordia. The fruit is a valvicidal capsule that opens by 3 valves.