Carolina Palm, Palmeto – Sabal Palmeto Origin: Cuba and Southeastern U.S. Trunk measurements: 20/30 30/40 60/80 40/60 Description: It is a palm tree formed by fan leaves of intense green color. Its rather rough trunk ends in a compact and globular crown. Its flowers are white panicles that extend...
Kentia, Paradise Palm – Howea Fosteriana Origin: Lord Howe Island (Eastern Australia) Trunk dimensions: Consult us Description: Simple, cylindrical, green, slender, ringed trunk, 10 to 15 m high and 13 cm in diameter. Pinnate, flat, ascending, dark green leaves with fibrous tissue at the base. Leaflets horizontal, slightly arched,...
Triangular Stemmed Palm – Neodypsis Decary Origin: Madagascar Trunk dimensions: Consult us Description: Plant that grows upright and with arched leaves. It is a palm tree commonly known as the triangle palm. It comes from the forests of Madagascar. Some wild specimens grow up to 15 m tall. Its...
Weeping Palm, Ribbon Palm – Livistonia Decipiens Origin: Australia Trunk dimensions: Consult us Description: Medium size with trunk without leaf debris, it is 70 in diameter with about 50 palmate and deeply divided leaves. The petioles are about 1.1 m long with 1 cm long black spiny margins. Axillary...
Latania, Chinese Fan Palm – Livistonia Chinensis Origin: Japan and Taiwan Trunk dimensions: Consult us Description: Palm with a more or less smooth and somewhat ringed stipe near the crown that can reach 5 to 9 m in height and about 20 to 30 cm in diameter, gradually widening...
Saw Palmetto – Chamaerops Humilis Origin: Eastern Mediterranean Trunk measurements: 150/175 175/200 60/80 80/100 200/225 100/125 125/150 40/60 + 22580/100 100+ Description: The only palm native to Europe, it is almost always found in broad bush formed by several trunks of varying height and separated from each other. At...
Blue Palm – Brahea Armata Origin: Baja California and Mexico Trunk measurements: 20/30 30/40 40/50 50/60 60/80 80/100 100+ Description: Reaches a height of up to 15 meters, with a solid trunk. Its clearly bluish leaves are 1-2 m wide, with long petioles. The leaves are persistent in nature,...
Bismarkia, Bismarck Palm – Bismarckia Nobilis Origin: Madagascar Trunk measurements: 20/30 30/40 40/50 50/60 Description: Palm with gray trunks with ringed indentations and a slightly convex base. It is widely used to decorate patios and terraces when the plant is young. Its almost rounded and enormous leaves are divided...
Dwarf Palm, Pygmy Palm – Phoenix Roebelinii Origin: South China and India Trunk measurements: 150/175 175/200 200/225 20/150 Description: Refined palm with one or more elegant trunks. They have arched leaves formed by opposite leaflets of dark green color. Its thin, short pendulums give the glass a light and...
Wachintona, Mexican Palm – Washingtonia Robusta – Groups Origin: Northwest Mexico and California Trunk measurements: C-30 30 LTS C-80LTS C90/110LTS C 130/160LTS 230LTS EXEMPLARS Description: It belongs to the Arecaceae family, known as palmaceae, a family of monocotyledons. Its appearance once the palm tree is grown is impressive, as...