Fig tree – Ficus Carica
Origin: Asia Minor and Mediterranean region
Trunk measurements: 40 / 50 20/25 14/16 10/12 12/14 16/18 25/30 30/35 35/40
Description: It has always been considered as a tree that does not require any care once planted and rooted, limiting man to collect the fruits when ripe. The only fig trees with careful cultural care are the brevales, due to the economic interest of their first harvest, that of figs. They are trees or shrubs of soft wood, with large leaves, green and shiny on the upper side and gray and rough on the underside. Its flowers, unisexual, are distributed on the inner surface of a lobed receptacle open at one end (eye); this receptacle, after fertilization, swells and becomes fleshy, forming a mass rich in sugary matter: the whole is a multiple fruit (syconium), the fig. The so-called fruit of the fig tree (infructescence) is soft, sweet-tasting, inside which, reddish-white, are housed what are apparently small seeds, but are in fact real fruits. It appears externally covered by a greenish, black or purple skin, depending on the different varieties.